How to Buy Tickets
Price: $100
Note: A limited number of tickets will be available at the at the door. Cash Only. There is an ATM in the hotel.
Please Pay in advance - Here are three ways to pay
1. Paper Check:
a. Make your check payable to:
Minisink Valley 50th Reunion 2023
b. Write your name and any guest name in the memo.
c. Mail the check to
Candy Rombousek
703 Avenue P
Matamoras , PA. 18336
2. Zelle (offered through banks)
a. Add a new contact to your Zelle account by searching for:
“Minisink Valley 50th Reunion 2023” - cell# 914-393-7577
b. Pay (remember to add your name and any guest name in the comments)
3. Paypal
a. Click this payment link:
b. Pay (remember to add your name and any guest name in the comments)
Please note that Paypal charges the reunion account 3% ($2.39) for every ticket, so we encourage you add $2.39 to your payment to help us keep our costs low.